Pre-Puppy Consultation




Preparing for your new addition can feel overwhelming. Taking this class, before you bring your puppy home, will ensure you’re well prepared for all of it! In this pre-puppy prep class, I’ll answer whatever questions you have about bringing home your new puppy. We will discuss pre-puppy-prep, the car ride home, the first night with your new puppy, and the first few days. We will cover important topics such as bathroom and crate locations, the best puppy toys and supplies to be ready with. You will have a game plan for how to potty train and how to crate train your puppy. You will receive a sample daily schedule to help you stay on track with the day-to-day flow. You will also receive access to my puppy prep webinar and ebook You’re Lucky You’re Cute. You will come away prepared both mentally and practically. We are here to help.